Clear Quartz is a powerful healing stone and is often referred to as the 'Master Healer', amplifying the energies of the other crystals and can manifest any intention, whether it be personal, spiritual, or financial. it is excellent for concentration, enabling one to focus and think clearly.
At one time, people considered Agate as an immeasurable treasure.
They thought that it is the most precious stone there ever was. They used it in many ways. Agate amulets were used to fight and throb malevolent spirits. Its fragments were also used to cure nasty injuries.
The stone also brought calmness in the storm and conquest in battle.
The world quickly fell in love with Agate. The Ancient Egyptians, Persians, and Chinese loved them. Whether they needed medicine or just amusement, they relied upon Agate's amazing capabilities.
Presently, Agate is believed to magnify an individual's life energy.
This stone is also beneficial in alleviating anxiety, stress, angst, and fear. Emotions are also prospered with an Agate talisman.
The various colours that play around Agate's silky surface are often compared with that of the rainbow. Its vibrations are comforting, and they promote peace. For people who have troubled lives, Agate can be of enormous help.
Agate is a fortune stone. The layers of colours and texture that this stone flaunts are considered to represent the different tiers to wealth. If you want to be blessed with prosperity and success, an Agate gemstone is your starting point.